Eczema Consultation Scan & Diet Plan
*Price includes tax
Natural Solution
Feel Revitalised
Removes Toxic Remnants
Packed With Antioxidents
Prevents Cell Damage
Helps Fight Illness
- Boosts Immune System
- Increases energy
- Improve disease fighting capacity
- Helps relieve itching
- Assists essential removal of toxic impurities
1-Hour Eczema Consultation £150
Eczema is a dry skin condition that causes your skin to become inflamed, with itching, redness and sometimes cracked and bleeding areas of skin.
The 1-hour eczema consultation is suitable for everyone including people who want expert eczema advice and need a longer consult, people who have not previously had a consultation with Glory Edward and return patients who would like follow-up advice or a repeat prescription.
The 1-Hour Eczema Consultation includes:
- Detailed health questionnaire before consultation
- face to face or online consultation (40-50 minutes)
- General supplement advice (see below)
- after the consultation additional information is emailed to you (10-20 minutes)
What this consult does not include:
The 1-hour consult does not include Glory's custom-designed eczema supplement prescription (unless you are a return patient).
Eczema Consultation is suitable for everyone including people who want expert eczema advice, follow-up e-mail support, plus a custom eczema supplement prescription formulated by nutritionist Glory Edward.
Glory’s eczema supplement prescription is designed to offer anti-inflammatory and nutritional support for eczema and it is free from problematic additives that are in many store-bought supplements.
What is eczema?
Eczema is an inflammatory condition where your skin becomes very dry, itchy, and breaks out into red, flaky patches called flares.
There are different types of eczema – the most common is atopic dermatitis which tends to be more common in people whose immune system is overly sensitive to allergens. Atopic dermatitis affects one in five children. However, it’s still common for adults to have it, as well as other types of eczema that start in adult life.
Other types of eczema include:
- Contact dermatitis – caused by the exposure to chemicals and detergents or metals, such as nickel
- Pompholyx or dyshydrotic eczema – affects hands and feet and is more common if you wash your hands often, have regular contact with chemicals or had atopic eczema as a child
- Discoid eczema (also called nummular) – more common in young women or older men and causes round patches on your legs and arms
- Seborrhoeic dermatitis – affects parts of your body where there are a lot of glands, such as your scalp or the side of your nose
- Asteatotic eczema – a dry skin condition that’s more common in people over 60
Eczema is a chronic (long-term) condition which, if severe, can make it difficult to sleep and carry out your daily life. However, it can be controlled with moisturisers and avoiding things that cause it to flare and cause irritated skin.
How to tell if you have eczema
You may have mild symptoms with just a small area of skin affected, or it can be severe with cracks, blisters and oozing on large areas of your skin. If you have an itchy anus, itchy skin or itchy genitals you may have eczema.
Atopic eczema can be confused with other skin conditions, such as psoriasis. It’s important to get a proper diagnosis so you can get the right treatment.
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Our original BioScan tool highlights the impact of your lifestyle and diet on your organs, instantly. The detailed report will highlight the level of stress on body, brain and all internal systems, then recommends what you need for optimum health.
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