Ionic Foot Bath
*Price includes tax
Natural Solution
Feel Revitalised
Removes Toxic Remnants
Packed With Antioxidents
Prevents Cell Damage
Helps Fight Illness
- Boosts Immune System
- Increases energy
- Improve disease fighting capacity
- Helps relieve itching
- Assists essential removal of toxic impurities
Ionic Foot Bath Benefits
Balances the body’s pH levels. This is the main benefit of the ionic foot bath. The pH scale is from 0 – very acidic, to 14 – very alkaline.
An acidic pH is a conducive environment for diseases so a balanced pH at 7.35 to 7.45 helps the body to stabilize the immune system making it harder for diseases and illness to develop.
Cleanses the body of heavy metals. Exposure to various toxic materials in the food and drink we take, the air we breathe, the cosmetics and products we use, and the environment we live in has led to heavy metals accumulating and poisoning our bodies.
Use of the ionic foot bath lowers and continuously removes the heavy metals in the body which only leads to improved health.
Boosts the mood, relieves stress. A body that is optimized to function at full capacity will lessen worry and anxiety. This, in turn, improves the outlook and mood of a person which in turn helps you to cope with stress.
A body in a relaxed state does not need to release too much cortisol (the stress hormone). Cortisol isn’t bad in small doses but prolonged elevated cortisol levels suppress the immune system, raises blood sugar levels, and increases the risk for hypertension and depression.
Reduction in inflammation. Inflammation is part of the body’s immune response. It is a signal your body is sending that it is fighting an illness or infection.
Reduced inflammation means your body does not have many infections to protect you from and that your immunity is not compromised.
Enhancing the body’s internal detoxifying system. Your body has a built-in detox system, cleaning it of wastes and byproducts through the liver, the kidneys, and the sweat glands.
When your pH levels are not balanced, your natural detox may not be working at its peak level or is working overtime.
By using the ionic foot bath you boost the body’s detoxification system. This is not a one-time session but a complement to other modalities of healing the body if you are battling an illness or trying to live healthier.
Research in this area is limited, but here are some of the findings.
A urine pH test was done pre- and post- ionic foot bath session and the results revealed a more alkaline reading after one treatment.
This trial was done on one person but facilitated by Dr. Christine Adamo, a board certified Oriental medical physician in the state of California.
She practices various forms of Eastern medicine including acupuncture and detoxification.
A 2008 study attributed to the Center for Research Strategies showed participants’ levels of aluminum to have decreased by 46% and arsenic levels to have decreased by 24% after twice-weekly ionic foot bath treatments for 12 weeks.
While this study’s researchers state “we found no evidence to suggest that ionic foot baths help promote the elimination of toxic elements from the body through the feet, urine, or hair.”
The study evaluated distilled water and tap water pre and post-treatment. They also tested hair and urine samples from the participants. (Kennedy, Cooley, Einarson, & Seely, 2011)
Though the research is limited to validate and dispute the pro-ionic foot bath camp’s claims, there is also no evidence that suggests it is harmful or shouldn’t be done.
How Does An Ionic Foot Soak Tub Work?
You soak your feet or hands in a footbath solution of water and salt and turn on the machine.
Some machines have the ionizer built into the system while for other models and brands, it is just an ionizer that you put into a basin while you soak your feet.
The ionizer emits a low-voltage electrical current to the water to separate its molecules to positive and negative ions.
The hydrogen in the water is positively charged, which will attract the negatively charged toxins in the body.
The “magnet” effect of the hydrogen pulls the toxins out and draws it from the body through osmosis. The toxins manifest as “sludge” in the water.
How Often Should You Do An Ionic Foot Bath?
The short answer to this question will be a 30 to 45-minute ionic foot bath session is recommended once a week.
A more detailed answer would include the age of the user.
For ages 12 and below: It is recommended a healthy child have a 10 to 15-minute session with the ionic foot bath once a week for 10 consecutive weeks.
For maintenance, the frequency should be once a week every 2 weeks. Remember to have an adult to supervise when using the machine on children younger than 10.
For ages 13 to 18: It is recommended a healthy teenager have a 15 to 20-minute session with the ionic foot bath once a week for 10 consecutive weeks.
It is recommended to do once a week sessions every 2 weeks as preventive maintenance. Remember to have an adult supervise when using the machine.
For ages 19 to 49: It is recommended a healthy adult have a 30-minute session with the ionic foot bath 1 to 2 times a week for 5 consecutive weeks.
After 10 sessions, it is recommended to do once a week sessions every 7 to 10 days as preventive maintenance.
For ages 50 and over: It is recommended a healthy senior adult have a 30-minute session with the ionic foot bath twice a week for 5 consecutive weeks.
Then do once a week sessions every 7 to 10 days as preventive maintenance.
The numbers and frequency stated above are just guides. Some may use the ionic foot bath 3 times a week, others less so.
As always, consult your doctor or a health professional before using any treatment that may have contraindications for any treatment you have at the moment.
Base your frequency of usage on your needs and the recommendations of your doctor.
Who Are Ideal Candidates For Foot Bath Soakers?
Anyone would make an ideal candidate to use an ionic foot bath at home or in a medical spa.
The ionic foot detox is particularly good for people suffering from gastrointestinal disorders, skin conditions, fungal or yeast infections, and arthritis and joint pain.
Who Shouldn’t Do Ionic Foot Baths?
People with the following conditions are cautioned from using the ionic detox:
- Have a pacemaker or other electronic implant
- Have metal implants
- Have open wounds, lesions, and sores on their feet
- Have diabetic neuropathy or impaired sensation in the feet and leg
- Currently being treated with chemotherapy or radiation therapy
- Are pregnant or nursing
- Are taking blood thinners or anticoagulants
Do not eat or drink until at least 15 to 20 minutes after a session to avoid over-stimulating the digestive organs.
Also, make sure children under ten years of age always have adult supervision when using the ionic foot bath whether at home, in a spa or in a health clinic.
Ionic Foot Bath Color Chart
A marketing angle of point of ionic foot baths are the color changes that happen to the water as you soak your feet in them.
Apparently, the color change is presented as proof of the toxins pulled from the body during the detoxification process.
The truth is the water changes color naturally whether there are feet soaking in the foot spa tub or not.
The change is caused by the chemical reaction between the electricity and the salt in the water.
Aside from the electrolysis and salt reaction, there is also the corrosion of the metals in the ionic foot bath which happens every time you use it.
Oils coming from the sebaceous glands on the skin also causes a reaction and adds to the water discoloration.
If the color of the water does not have anything to do with the detoxification process, where does the detoxification come from?
There is detoxification, but the results can be more accurately measured with a urine test for levels of heavy metals.
A urine test is a more reliable way to check for detoxification as it is the body’s natural detox system along with sweat and passing stool.
Some metals may pass through the skin but the soles of the feet are mostly impermeable (waterproof and does not allow fluid to be drawn out).
Another reason for urine test reliability is the body will still exhibit effects of the ionic foot bath session up to 2 days after a session.
So does this mean ionic foot baths are a sham?
No, the color is not the toxins per se but the debris that forms in the water are the toxins.
Here is a chart to help you decode the toxins from your body and the health conditions it may be pointing to.
Color or Particle | Material Or Area Of The Body It Came From |
Yellow-green | Filtering the kidney, bladder, urinary tract, female/prostate area |
Orange | Purifying the Joints |
Dark green | Purifying the Gallbladder |
Brown | Purifying the Liver; Fat Wastes |
Black | Purifying the Liver; Tobacco, Cellular debris |
Black Flecks | Heavy Metals |
Red Flecks | Blood Clots, Cellular Debris |
White Curd-like | Yeast, Fungal Infections |
White Foam | Mucus & Lymphatic System |
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