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14 Day 'Slim Down' Cleanse for Busy Mums Program (GLory Edward)


*Price includes tax


Natural Solution


Feel Revitalised


Removes Toxic Remnants


Packed With Antioxidents


Prevents Cell Damage


Helps Fight Illness


  • heart-antioxidents   Boosts Immune System
  • heart-antioxidents   Increases energy
  • heart-antioxidents   Improve disease fighting capacity
  • heart-antioxidents   Helps relieve itching
  • heart-antioxidents   Assists essential removal of toxic impurities

This 14 Day 'Slim Down' Cleanse for Busy Mums Program gives you everything you need to carry out and complete a 14 day detox, also providing the foundation for ongoing wellbeing. It is a 14 day program, with 2 phases. Phase one is 3 prep days at the beginning to get organised, and to start reducing coffee, sugar and alcohol. Phase two is 11 days of following healthy wholefood eating and creating healthy habits! This is an easy, fuss-free program that is easy to incorporate into your busy life, that can also be done by the whole family to make it even easier!

A recipe book is provided that contains a good selection of meals so you don't have to think about what you're going to have! (Vegetarian option available).

Focusing on wholefoods, nutrition and self-care this program will help you feel healthy, energised and at the same time lose weight!

The program consists of:

  • Two 1:1 30 minute health consults. One at the start of the program, and one at the end.
  • An 18 page guide with helpful tips and support ideas to ensure your cleanse is successful
  • A full colour 36 page recipe booklet to make meal times a breeze! You can go through the recipes and pick what you like! 
  • A meal plan template to help with meal preparation
  • A shopping list template to make this process easy!
  • A daily mood and food tracker to help you stay on track
  • At the end of the program a special offer for you and your friend from Inner Peace on the 12 Week Weight Management Program to help you further achieve your 'Slim down' goals!

Once you have this program you can use it as many times as you like!

  • DON'T FORGET, BRING A FRIEND FOR FREE! Have some fun and support each other!




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