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Fasting Combo Basic


Compare at £165.00


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Natural Solution


Feel Revitalised


Removes Toxic Remnants


Packed With Antioxidents


Prevents Cell Damage


Helps Fight Illness


  • heart-antioxidents   Boosts Immune System
  • heart-antioxidents   Increases energy
  • heart-antioxidents   Improve disease fighting capacity
  • heart-antioxidents   Helps relieve itching
  • heart-antioxidents   Assists essential removal of toxic impurities

Introducing our Fasting Combo and Fasting Combo Deluxe – a transformative blend of nature's finest offerings meticulously crafted to enhance the spiritual and physical dimensions of your fast. With a focus on detoxification, purification, and nourishment, our plant-based products ensure a holistic approach without preservatives, chemicals, or harmful additives.  

 So whats in the basic Combo? 


1. **Oxi Flush:**


Purify your system with the powerful Oxi Flush, designed to eliminate accumulated waste and toxins, promoting a clean slate for your spiritual journey. Experience renewed vitality as you rid your body of impurities.


2. **Liquid Oxygen:**


Elevate your fasting experience with Liquid Oxygen, a breath of fresh air for your body. Boost oxygen levels, enhancing mental clarity and focus, redirecting your attention from cravings to spiritual growth.


3. **Elixir of Life:**


Nourish your body and soul with the Elixir of Life. This potent blend provides essential nutrients and minerals, fostering a harmonious balance during your fast, supporting your spiritual endeavors with sustained energy. Elixir of Life also helps reduce cravings and supports a deep, more restful sleep


4. **Max Immune:**

   Strengthen your immune system with Max Immune, fortifying your body against external stressors and luls in your energy levels. Ensure a healthy and resilient foundation for your spiritual practices, free from disruptions.


For those seeking an intensified cleanse, consider upgrading to the **Fasting Combo Deluxe,**which, in addition to the above also includes:


- **Brain Juice:** (DELUXE COMBO ONLY)


Enhance mental acuity and focus during your fast with Brain Juice. Elevate your spiritual experience by sharpening cognitive functions and maintaining mental clarity.


- **Ultra Detox:** (DELUXE COMBO ONLY)


Take your cleanse to the next level with Ultra Detox. This potent addition targets deeper layers of toxins, promoting a thorough purification that aligns with your commitment to spiritual growth.


Embrace the additional benefits of the Deluxe Combo to amplify the effects of your fast, from heightened mental focus to a more comprehensive detoxification.


Our Fasting Combo is designed for all faiths, featuring Halal and Kosher ingredients, and free from animal products or harmful additives. Embrace the Basic or Deluxe options, reduce cravings, and embark on a profound spiritual journey while optimizing your health.


Begin your journey to a more natural future

Book your BioScan
Only £250 with code NY25

Our original BioScan tool highlights the impact of your lifestyle and diet on your organs, instantly. The detailed report will highlight the level of stress on body, brain and all internal systems, then recommends what you need for optimum health.


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