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Female Vitality Scan/ Consultation


*Price includes tax


Natural Solution


Feel Revitalised


Removes Toxic Remnants


Packed With Antioxidents


Prevents Cell Damage


Helps Fight Illness


  • heart-antioxidents   Boosts Immune System
  • heart-antioxidents   Increases energy
  • heart-antioxidents   Improve disease fighting capacity
  • heart-antioxidents   Helps relieve itching
  • heart-antioxidents   Assists essential removal of toxic impurities

Female Vitality

Wellness Renewed – Female Vitality Consultation

Vitality is the juice of life. Some days it can be difficult to come by if you are hormonally imbalanced. Hormone imbalance can affect multiple systems in the body, causing problems for physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Sexual vitality in women is especially affected from the early thirties on. Sexual vitality is compromised when hormones are unbalanced, causing low sex drive and a variety of other issues that many women deal with on a regular or monthly basis.

When your body is out of balance or adjusting to life changes, it presents itself in several ways, such as: feeling tired, irritability, brain fog, lack of libido, sleeplessness, night sweats, or any combination thereof.

This Consultation is designed to support the balancing of hormones whether you are cycling or non-cycling. This Consultation allows you to know how to better deal with toxins and other stressors that can have a negative effect on your vitality and overall wellbeing! At the end of your consultation, you will receive an individualized protocol designed to improve your body’s Vitality.


    • The Consultation includes a 1-hour Wellness Session with a Health Coach.
    • Recommendations based on your own personal health history, recent blood and/or lab work (if available), and health pattern
    • Physician grade supplements recommendation
    • Dietary/Lifestyle plans
    • Tailored protocol
    • Email support


Begin your journey to a more natural future

Book your BioScan
Only £250 with code NY25

Our original BioScan tool highlights the impact of your lifestyle and diet on your organs, instantly. The detailed report will highlight the level of stress on body, brain and all internal systems, then recommends what you need for optimum health.


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