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Glory Edward Food intolerance Scan


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Glory Edward Nutrition Food Intolerance Scan 

If you suffer from IBS, bloatedness, constipation, migraines, or eczema, you may be consuming the wrong foods. It doesn’t matter if a certain food is healthy or not, each body reacts in your way. If you have any of the symptoms of food intolerance, it might be helpful to discover which are the culprits. we can over 480 foods 

What are the symptoms of food intolerance?

Gas, cramps, or bloating.
Water retention


Your gut is home to 70% of your immune system. You can support your gut health by reducing your “immune load”, and removing ingredients that may be causing it to overwork from your diet.

We offer comprehensive food intolerance scan  and can advise you in relation to any sensitivities and allergy to foods, helping reduce the risk of chronic health problems.

food Intolerances  are characterised by a delayed response which will normally be a few hours but in some rare cases can take up to a week. Various studies have shown that allergies only affect about 3% of the population whilst food intolerances can affect 40% of the population at some time in their life.
A person can be intolerant to multiple foods and experience a number of symptoms such as:

  • Bloating, constipation
  • Fatigue and brain fog
  • Asthma
  • Sinusitis and Rhinitis
  • Irritable bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Fluid retention
  • Migraines and headaches
  • Eczema, rashes and other skin disorders.
  • Food Intolerances
  • Coeliac Disease
  • Relentless Fatigue
  • Autoimmunity
  • Neurological Issues
  • Chronic or Latent Infections
  • IBS
  • Skin Complaints
  • Mood Issues
  • Inflammation
  • Chemical Sensitivity
  • Migraines
  • Joint Pain
  • Memory Problems
  • Alzheimer's Disease

Normally when someone has a food intolerance, this is down to the underlying poor health of the gut. The gut lining is only a few cells thick and is easily damaged; creating erosion that increases the permeability. Partially digested food particles are then able to pass through the barrier into the blood stream and are recognized by the immune system as foreign invaders. This process is know as leaky gut and can be the root cause of chronic inflammation and autoimmune responses in any organ or tissue.

A food intolerance test will allow a person to identify and eliminate key allergens, so that inflammation can be reduced and the gut lining and body can be given the opportunity to heal.

However, it is important to understand what has caused the damage to the gut lining in the first place. This could be due to poor diet, stress, excess alcohol, antibiotics and bacterial and viral infections such as E Coli, H Pyloria, SIBO, yeast and parasites. There are other tests around gut health that will help you determine this. If the underlying gut health issues are not resolved then a person may become intolerant to more foods and chronic health problems will persist.


the scan identifies markers for gluten, gluten-linked food intolerances and multiple food sensitivities, "leaky gut", IBS, SIBO, auto-immune disorders, pathogens such as parasites, moulds, viruses and bacteria, blood brain barrier breakdown and other neurological disorders for example those arising from viral infection and/or toxins, as well as those relating to Alzheimer's Disease.


But, Symptoms Can Be Very Complicated

Quite often, it is difficult to determine whether the patient has a food intolerance or an allergy because the signs and symptoms often overlap. Also, onset can occur quickly or only several hours after ingesting the offending food or compound and can persist for days. Symptoms are broadly classified as follows:

Some Foods to Avoid!

  • Dairy: Lactose is a sugar found in milk and dairy products. Lactose intolerance is caused by a shortage of lactase enzymes, which causes an inability to digest lactose and results in digestive symptoms.
  • Gluten: Gluten is the general name given to proteins found in wheat, barley, rye and triticale. Celiac disease involves an immune response, which is why it is classified as an autoimmune disease.
  • Caffeine: A bitter chemical found in a wide variety of beverages, including coffee, tea, energy drinks. A hypersensitivity to caffeine has been linked to genetics, as well as a decreased ability to metabolize and excrete caffeine.
  • FODMAPS: FODMAPs is an abbreviation that stands for fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides and polyols which are poorly absorbed in the small intestine and create problems in the large intestine.
  • Histamine: An Amine produced by bacteria during food storage and fermentation and found in a wide variety of foods. Some people are not able to break down histamine properly, causing it to build up in the body.


Food Sensitivities:*

 Food sensitivities can cause a wide range of painful or uncomfortable reactions that may be felt immediately, or even days later. Potential symptoms include abdominal pain, anxiety, bloating, brain fog, diarrhoea, fatigue, headaches, heartburn, joint pain, nausea, and rashes, which closely mirror many autoimmune disease symptoms.


Common food sensitivities:*

  • Gluten (wheat, barely, rye) a.k.a. Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS) or Non-Celiac Wheat Sensitivity (NCWS) 
  • Casein (dairy products)
  • Eggs
  • Corn
  • Soy
  • Yeast
  • Citrus
  • Nightshades (tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, goji berries)
  • Legumes (peanuts, lentils, chickpeas, beans)
  • Nuts (walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, almonds)
  • Food additives (sulfites, artificial colors, preservatives)





Unlike allergies, intolerances, and senstivities, celiac disease is a lifelong, genetic autoimmune disorder in which the body mistakenly attacks itself.

When a person with celiac disease ingests gluten (a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye) the immune system reacts by mounting an attack against the body’s own healthy cells, damaging the villi lining the small intestine. If this continues overtime, many celiacs experience the effects of malabsorption as the villi are unable to send nutrients into the bloodstream.

There are over 200 symptoms of celiac disease. The most widely experienced include fatigue, cognitive problems like brain fog, neurological problems like severe headaches, and digestive issues such as bloating, diarrhea, constipation, gas, abdominal pain, and nausea and vomiting, Many people with celiac disease experience kaleidoscope of symptoms, including anxiety, depression, mouth ulcers, skin rashes, joint pain, numbness and tingling, that result in misdiagnoses and a challenging path to relief.

Celiac disease can be life-threatening if left untreated, and include intestinal, neurological, and cognitive damage and the development of additional autoimmune conditions. Currently, around 1.4% of the global population lives with celiac disease 


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