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High Strength Iodine


*Price includes tax


Natural Solution


Feel Revitalised


Removes Toxic Remnants


Packed With Antioxidents


Prevents Cell Damage


Helps Fight Illness


  • heart-antioxidents   Boosts Immune System
  • heart-antioxidents   Increases energy
  • heart-antioxidents   Improve disease fighting capacity
  • heart-antioxidents   Helps relieve itching
  • heart-antioxidents   Assists essential removal of toxic impurities

Our High Strength Iodine is a very Potent Formula - with a whopping 7.62mg of premium quality Iodine per drop!

Key Benefits:

  • THYROID SUPPORT - Iodine contributes to the normal production of thyroid hormones and normal thyroid function
  • UNPARALLELED QUALITY - Our formula is free of gluten, soy, dairy, GMOs, nuts, sugar, artificial flavours, synthetic dyes, and toxic fillers. Pure and simple!
  • VEGAN FRIENDLY FORMULA - Easy to swallow tincture is suitable for vegans and vegetarians.


Our High Strength Iodine solution contains 100 mg/mL of potassium iodide and 50 mg/mL of iodine. Taken orally in 500mls of water, the product:

  1. Helps Reduce thyroid vascularity—hence its use to reduce blood loss during thyroid surgery. 
  2. Temporarily inhibits thyroid hormone synthesis and secretion—hence its use in treating thyrotoxic crisis and in reducing the risk of thyroid storm after thyroid surgery.
  3. Helps block thyroidal uptake of radioactive isotopes, thereby reducing the risk of thyroid cancer—hence its use in a radiation emergency or therapeutic/diagnostic exposure of radioactive iodine.

Iodine is an essential element which is lacking in Western diets. We should all be taking iodine 1mg daily at least.

[e.g. pathology such as infected spots, chicken pox, cold sores, swollen lymph nodes, nail infections, ear infections, cradlecap, skin fungal infections (tinea, ringworm, acne, boils) scabs and bruises.]

On contact Iodine kills microbes and is a great disinfectant. It helps to strip out toxic metals from the body.  With Our High Strength Iodine one drop contains approx. 8mgs).
(One 30 ml bottle contains approx. 600 drops)

Take 2-5 drops in 500mls water daily for optimum health

Shake lightly before use
Store in a cool dark place


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