*Price includes tax
Natural Solution
Feel Revitalised
Removes Toxic Remnants
Packed With Antioxidents
Prevents Cell Damage
Helps Fight Illness
- Boosts Immune System
- Increases energy
- Improve disease fighting capacity
- Helps relieve itching
- Assists essential removal of toxic impurities
Do you feel tired, anxious, bloated or angry, do you have problems concentrating or sleeping? Do you have no energy or enthusiasm? Are you struggling at work and feeling out of control? Are you feeling hot, but not in a good way because your libido has vanished? Do you look in the mirror and just not recognise the person looking back at you?
Could you be peri or post menopausal?
This next phase of your life could be amazing, I know it's hard to imagine this wonderful future when you're suffering. Perimenopause absolutely floored me, I became someone I didn't recognise or like very much (read my story below).
I now manage my symptoms successfully and can assure you life is good on the other side. I want you to join me and thrive not just survive the menopause.
So what is peri or post menopause? Peri menopause can start 10 or 15 years before your menopause (12 months since your last period). The average age of menopause is 51 which means you could be experiencing symptoms from your late 30's. Once you transition into post menopause, symptoms for some will ease, however many women continue to have problems into their 60's and beyond. Our lifestyle, what we eat and drink and how we move, relax and sleep have a huge impact on our hormonal health.
I can help you take back control by improving your movement, nutrition, stress levels and sleep. I can educate you about the alternative and medicinal therapies available including HRT.
Understanding why you feel the way you do and what treatments are available enables YOU to make decisions about the best treatment for YOU.
Introduction to menopause & midlife talk
This group sessions explains what peri and post menopause is, what the symptoms are and what treatments are available. We also discuss other women's health issues that occur at midlife. This session is available face to face in wood Green or via zoom.
Regular small group sessions costs £20 per person.
Midlife Balance Online Group
We have a lovely group of ladies in our online support group, it's a safe place to ask advice or share issues. We have a monthly walk to get together and have a chat, we always include a refreshment stop on route. This group and walks are free, message me to be added.
Midlife Balance 1-2-1 or small group
This course is specifically designed around your unique needs, finding solutions by combining mindset, stress management, nutrition, movement, relaxation and sleep.
You will learn why your hormones are out of sync, why you are gaining weight around your tummy, have low energy, hot flushes, insomnia, painful heavy periods, low mood, anxiety, joint and muscle pain, brain fog or other symptoms from the 34 listed below.
You'll leave with a toolbox of techniques and information to help you manage your symptoms.
Each week we will cover a new topic and you will be given an action plan for that week. Small changes that you can make, one at a time. We can work together to set goals and design how you want to live your life going forward. Making you believe in yourself again and plan for the next phase of your life with joy rather than dread.
The course includes 6 x 1 hour in person or on zoom live consultations and 6 weeks online support, recorded workouts and information videos to refer back to, Some of the topics we will cover are:-
Weight gain
Hot flushes and night sweats
Bone Health - osteoporosis
Brain Health
Stiff joints and muscles
Metabolic syndrome – weight gain around middle
Insulin resistance and type II diabetes
Heart health
Gut health
Pelvic & Bowel health
How to speak to your doctor about HRT and non hormonal medication
Herbal therapies
Sexual function/health
Menopausal athlete – female triad
Breast health
Mindfulness and alternative therapies
Understanding what matters to you most and how to achieve it
The importance of community and social interaction
Xenoestrogens and environmental toxins
Your investment is £350 and can be paid in 2 instalments.
Small group price is £195 per person (minimum 2 people)
Single coaching sessions are £65 per hour and include a follow up call.
Begin your journey to a more natural future
Book your BioScan
Only £250 with code NY25
Our original BioScan tool highlights the impact of your lifestyle and diet on your organs, instantly. The detailed report will highlight the level of stress on body, brain and all internal systems, then recommends what you need for optimum health.
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