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Rife Therapy


*Price includes tax


Natural Solution


Feel Revitalised


Removes Toxic Remnants


Packed With Antioxidents


Prevents Cell Damage


Helps Fight Illness


  • heart-antioxidents   Boosts Immune System
  • heart-antioxidents   Increases energy
  • heart-antioxidents   Improve disease fighting capacity
  • heart-antioxidents   Helps relieve itching
  • heart-antioxidents   Assists essential removal of toxic impurities

What is Rife Therapy?

Rife Therapy is using specific frequencies of light with the goal to help the body heal. The Rife Machine is thought to target pathogens or cancer cells by means of matching the correct frequency or range of frequencies to help stimulate an immune attack on those cells. We believe that Rife Therapy, while NOT a miracle cure or magic wand, can help a person detoxify and help stimulate healing.

The first Rife Machines were invented back in the 1920's by Royal Raymond Rife and have since been improved.



Why We Use Rife Therapy

Rife Therapy was the first therapy that Dr. Conners employed when his first patient asked for his help in 1999. She had breast cancer in both breasts and was given 3 months to live without chemotherapy. She chose not to do chemo and, with the help of Dr. Conners and Rife Therapy, lived another 13 years before succumbing to the disease.

"Rife is not a magic wand," says Dr. Conners, "but God has used it to heal many people."

We use several different Rife Machines in our clinic for members ONLY and all information contained on this website is for our Members. Please contact our office for information.

We do NOT believe that Rife cures cancer or any disease; it's not a magic wand. Legally, we do NOT treat cancer or any disease either. We believe in supporting the immune systems of our members through Biblical, God-given methods; we do not diagnose nor treat disease.

That said, the KEY to success with Rife technology is the PROGRAM.



Cancer is a group of diseases related to the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. Globally, about 1 in 6 deaths is due to cancer. Research has found that viruses, bacteria, and parasites contribute to Cancer. Killing these bad organisms can help the natural healing of the body.

Pathogens like bacteria and viruses have resonant frequencies. If you transmit more of this same frequency to the microorganism, it causes structural stresses, and the pathogen is disabled or simply explodes like the crystal glass. Other organisms are not harmed, because they resonate at different frequencies.

By using frequencies, we can selectively kill the organisms which cause cancer.


Frequencies using microscopes such a long time ago, but we find it difficult today?

Rife invented a microscope capable of magnifications of 31,000 times. He could resolve and see viruses and bacteria no one else could, and while it was alive and moving. He could then apply frequencies to the pathogens and watch them die. Even today, we struggle to match the resolution achieved by Royal Rife’s microscopes.

So how did Rife design such a powerful microscope?

He understood how to build a microscope that separated light into distinct frequency bands, carried by oil not air, and then re-constituted it for viewing - surpassing the limitation of optical techniques which are still used today. It was by this very feat that he realized that the microbes he was viewing were too small to be stained. The stain was bigger than the bug. So he found a way to make them glow using specific bands of light. Then the thought occurred to him; if he could make them glow with a frequency of light, maybe he could kill them with frequencies as well. The rest is history. Electron Microscopes long ago surpassed the 60,000 magnification that Rife achieved, but they kill the subject in the process. Not terribly useful if you are trying to observe live subjects




No. Human body cells respond to a much higher frequency than those produced by a Rife machine and do not resonate to the frequencies produced by a Rife machine.

Many researchers who have worked with Rife type machines have been exposed to Rife frequencies for extended periods over many years without suffering any apparent ill effects. Many of the early researchers from Rife’s time lived longer than average for their generation.

Many people think that more power is better. Greater consideration must be placed on precision. The pathogens that are being targeted are microscopic in size and do not require much power to be disabled. Rife machines that boast high power outputs may have the potential to cause harm.



When Rife machines kill germs, the cells often burst open. This is a good thing because the germs can no longer multiply. However, any poisons that are contained within the cell are released.

Running detox frequencies often has a similar result. All of us have built-up toxicity in our bodies, acquired over many years of neglect. Detox frequencies are designed to release these toxins into the bloodstream for subsequent removal.

Our bodies have several natural mechanisms to remove these poisons, but it takes a while to eliminate all the toxins and debris. During this time we often have symptoms that include a flu-like condition, heavy perspiration and night sweats, fever, with or without chills, headaches, malaise, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, pain in joints and bones, and itching, flushing, and reddening of the skin.

Do not be alarmed or put off if this happens. It is a great sign that the programs you have chosen are doing their work. Continue using Spooky2 Rife Machine until your symptoms subside. You can always give yourself a break for a day or two, and resume treatment at a later date when you feel stronger. Shorter treatment times can also reduce your symptoms. What’s more, we also have programs to support your detox organs and ease all the loads.

Also, make sure you have a lot of distilled water or lemon juice every day for detoxing.
Just as your health issue didn't happen overnight, you should not expect an instant recovery. It takes time to gradually kill off undesirable micro-organisms, and remove all the undesirables from your body. But it is always worth your effort.


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