Step 1 Detox & Lifestyle Change Combo
*Price includes tax
Natural Solution
Feel Revitalised
Removes Toxic Remnants
Packed With Antioxidents
Prevents Cell Damage
Helps Fight Illness
- Boosts Immune System
- Increases energy
- Improve disease fighting capacity
- Helps relieve itching
- Assists essential removal of toxic impurities
Step 1 positively supports weight loss, reduced pain, improved energy, sleep, general wellness and accelerated all round healing from within.
A quantum leap in natural health and wellness support, Step 1 positively impacts key major body systems including; digestive, cardio-vascular, immune and integumentary comprising hair, nails and skin. The enhanced dietary and lifestyle changes help re-energise, re-shape and re-attune your body and mind to appreciate new levels of health rarely experienced before. And without setting foot in or anywhere near a gymn or diet sheet for that matter
Simply take each product with 500mls of water be it once, twice or as required daily. Incorporate the recommended smoothies, dietary and lifestyle changes and you can literally watch your body transform right before your very eyes. If weight loss is your goal, dont worry, it happens naturally, without effort, almost as a side-effect.
Step 1 helps you break free from 'Old Bad Habits' you have been accustomed to for many years while replacing them with new ones. It is by no means an easy or quick fix, but the results are far-reaching and lasting. Once you get through the first 3 days it becomes easier as your body begins to 'let go' of toxins it has been innocently entertaining for many eons. Your body will thank you and you wont be disappointed. Just follow the instructions, watch and experience the changes and enjoy the compliments.
** Remember you can use Pay In 3 to spread the cost of your purchase with three 0% Interest Free Monthly Payments on ALL purchases over £50. Click Here to find out more
Key Benefits:
- Eliminate Bloating
- Improve Energy
- Reduce/ Eliminate Aches & Pains
- Improve Circulation
- Increase Weight loss
- Improve Agility
- Reduce Menstrual Problems
- Improve Digestion
- Improve Mental Focus
- Improve Sleep
- Increase Concentration
1x Oxi-Flush - An easy, yet extremely fast and powerful way to help thoroughly cleanse the colon and achieve numerous health benefits including; more energy, assist weight loss and much greater health all round. Helps gently remove blockage, eliminate bloating and promote healthy, regular bowel function.
1x Liquid Oxygen - An efficient method to increase supply of oxygen to the body, that is rapidly becoming more popular for helping conditions like chronic pain, fatigue, skin problems, and being overweight. These are all linked to lack of oxygen. In the human body, oxygen is required for many processes from respiration to energy generation.
1x Mega C Vitamin C Complex - The highest and purest form of Natural Plant Based Vitamin C complex on the planet, found only in the Camu Camu Berry. Our Mega C formulation contains Camu Camu extract which is a concentrated form of the powder, comprising only the highest active Vitamin C components of the plant. It is then enriched with sodium ascorbate and MSM to ensure your body not only receives the highest most potent dose of Vitamin C but also the greatest absorption, with remarkable results.
1x Elixir of Life - 100% natural mineral formula to greatly help improve all round health. Contains 15 essential minerals renowned for rejuvenating nails, skin and hair. Helps remove parasites, heavy metals and impurities from the gut. Removing parasites and worms helps reduce cravings for sugar, salt and empty carbohydrates. Helps reduce malnutrition, lack of energy and irritability, from the fluctuation in blood glucose levels. Great for assisting weight loss.
1x SOS Advanced - Anti-bacterial, anti-viral, non-toxic, super immune boosting formula, effective in both chronic and minor illnesses. The nano-technology delivery system represents a quantum leap in delivering natural, effective botanical ingredients to your body for quick lasting results. SOS Advance may be used to help support blood related issues such as; Diabetes, Blood pressure, Growths, Tumours, Parasites, Candida, Arthritis ,Digestive and Immune related problems.
1x Brain Juice - A potent bio-dynamic herbal formulation that helps increase blood supply to the brain, enhance memory, increase energy, improve, circulation, alertness and optimise brain function.
1x Ultra Detox - A powerful combination of ultra-organic herbs, specially formulated for optimal internal cleansing. This multi-level detox specifically targets and cleanses the blood, liver, kidney, bowels, gall bladder and helps eliminate parasites and worms from the digestive tract.
1x Bio Vitamin Accelerator - Multi-faceted natural potentizer that helps increase absorption of vitamins, minerals and nutritional supplements. Also assists with the effective removal of toxins and impurities from the blood. Adding the accelerator to your nutritional supplements helps you achieved the desired results faster.
1x H.E.R.N Protocol Lifestyle Change Program - Our HERN Protocol is a highly effective natural healing system formulated with the help of 1000s of clients over many years. The dynamic healing system combines specific dietary and lifestyle changes along with hydration, elimination and targeted nutritional adjustments to achieve consistent results. The program along with the ayurverdic and natural food-based products above makes a formidable combination you can rely on for great health and wellness decisions far beyond your products and program.
This package includes continuous practitioner support via phone, email or Whatsapp. Access to support can also be gained via our Telegram Support platform. Please request access on conclusion of your purchase. **YOU ARE RECOMMENDED TO BOOK A REVIEW FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF YOUR PROGRAM PLEASE CALL 0207 175 0052:
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**Before purchasing ensure you are able to access one of our locations or have internet access for an online review
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