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Natural Solution


Feel Revitalised


Removes Toxic Remnants


Packed With Antioxidents


Prevents Cell Damage


Helps Fight Illness


  • heart-antioxidents   Boosts Immune System
  • heart-antioxidents   Increases energy
  • heart-antioxidents   Improve disease fighting capacity
  • heart-antioxidents   Helps relieve itching
  • heart-antioxidents   Assists essential removal of toxic impurities

Humans are “water beings” by nature, as our bodies are composed of approximately 70% water. It’s therefore a crucial part of daily life. That’s why it’s all the more important that the body receives water that does as much good as possible and pollutes it as little as possible. Ultra-Lite Pure Drinking Water is exceptional. This means that it can penetrate the cells and bring in important minerals dissolved in it from nutrition. At the same time, it supports the detoxification of the body cells, which ensures a natural and healthy metabolism and supports the bodys' functions. This is why leading health experts recommend the purest, most pristine water.

In its ideal, natural state, water has a clear and harmonious molecular structure, as discovered by the Japanese pioneer in water research Dr Masaru Emoto in the 60s. Ultra-Lite Pure Drinking Water is restructured using an innovative, proprietary bio-ceramic treatment process. When water is able to flow freely in nature, it gets swirled over and over again, which vitalises it.

Water is life, but we understand that not just any water can be likened to life. We, like all scientists, hold that it is only clean, pure and germ-free water that is indispensable for life. According to a scientific report released by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, millions of people are suffering from gastrointestinal illnesses every year. This is something that every home, individual and organization should always be concerned about. The quality of water has become an aspect that is on the forefront when discussing the health of the global population.

We know that it is difficult at times to know that the water you are drinking is contaminated, which is why we have incorporated multiple scientifically proven methods of purifying water. One such approach is Reverse Osmosis (RO).

Mineral salts, iron and violations of health standards can contribute to your water being unfit for consumption.

Reverse osmosis, according to scientific screening methods, remains one of the most effective methods to filter potentially harmful elements from water. The effectiveness of this method makes RO water highly recommended by healthcare professionals. The benefits of drinking reverse osmosis water are insurmountable.



Ultra-Lite Pure Drinking Water Has Fewer Contaminants

Ultra-Lite Pure Drinking Water utilises superior technology to remove any contaminants that come in the form of molecules. The system works by eliminating molecular compounds of sizes smaller than water.  The process can be compared to squeezing out what is good and throwing undesired residue away. There are thousands of compounds that can make water unhealthy for human and animal consumption.

These compounds include iron, lead, calcium and manganese among others. Reverse osmosis has been found to be one of the most effective purification methods that can rid the water of these molecular compounds.

Ultra-Lite Pure Drinking Water has passed through 9 high powered filters to ensure it is clean and free of compounds. Compared to tap water that is unfiltered, Ultra-Lite Pure Drinking water has fewer compounds. Even with piped water, chances are that you are drinking water that is contaminated with lead. Lead is a leading contaminant, especially where plumbing is old and dilapidated. RO removes lead from water and helps reduce incidences of diseases such as high blood pressure, nerve damage and low fertility. Drinking Ultra-Lite Pure Drinking Water water can also help eliminate risks of brain damage and anemic conditions, especially in children. Parasites are another threat to clean and safer water. Our proven filtration systems can almost guarantee filtration and removal of disease causing parasites that find their way into water sources.

Ultra-Lite Pure Drinking Water Has Improved Taste

Although taste, by all standards, is a subjective aspect, research has shown that reverse osmosis water is rated as having the best taste compared to tap water. Blind taste tests have shown that reverse osmosis water is preferred over tap water, as tap water has traces of sulfur, lead, nitrates and other compounds that make it unpalatable and often rejected by the body. The process of removing these molecular compounds from tap water allows people to drink cleaner, tastier and fresher water than tap water.

With Ultra-Lite Pure Drinking Water, we understand that getting cleaner, tastier and fresher water is not easy, but we leverage the available technology, our unparalleled technology and supreme quality to assure we can help you drink clean, refreshing and hydrating water every time. Compared to other bottled water, Ultra-Lite Pure Drinking Water is slightly more expensive but will save you money in health and medication bills. Our unmatched technology is checked for effectiveness to ensure that every drop of water in your glass is completely clean and tasty. If you think you need to improve the taste of water, then Ultra-Lite Pure Drinking Water can be improved using pre-dissolved minerals.

If you are looking for water that is demineralized and parasite-free, Ultra-Lite Pure Drinking Water is crucial in helping prevent health problems and truly hydrating your cells


Begin your journey to a more natural future

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