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supplement & nutrition



Why you should take vitamins daily if you have Lupus

How Taking Vitamins for Lupus Can Decrease Your Symptoms When Used Correctly:   Now that you’ve learned WHY Lupus and vitamins are an important duo. We can easily connect HOW vitamins for Lupus are a wonderful addition to prevent doctor visits, ER visits, and decrease the severity of symptoms! When...

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Why You Should Detox at Least Twice A Year

Toxins are harmful substances derived from food, water, cleaning products, and other environmental sources that we are exposed to regularly. An accumulation of toxins may become poisonous in the human body, which may lead to potential damage to vital organs and systems. Considering that these toxins enter our body by...

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Restore Your Crowning Glory, TODAY!

Hair vitality seems to be a reoccurring request for our clients, so today we wanted to flag Vivo Nutrients Elixir of Life mineral formula perfect for restoring thinning hair caused by silica and essential mineral deficiencies. Due to the modern day pressures of bad diets, frequent heat styling and environmental...

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Why It's Important To Clean Your Colon

With additives in our food, pesticides on our crops, and pollution all around us, many might say we live in a toxic age. Sometimes all that toxic build-up can take its toll on the colon, which negatively affects digestion and overall health. When your colon is backed up with toxic material, your...

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